The Sick Have No Clue About This Miracle Solution

By restricting the RECIPIENT British public’s access to information about colloidal silver at the point of sale, the EFSA is effectively pronouncing a death sentence on thousands, perhaps even millions of Brits over time who will die of infectious illness because they did not know about the powerful life-saving, infection-fighting properties of this safe, natural substance, what in the hell is wrong with the people who enforce these death regulations.

It is well known that many of today’s prescription antibiotic drugs are simply no longer effective against pathogenic microorganisms and the deadly infections they can cause but one would think that there doctor would just give it to them if it really works – well they are WRONG, very WRONG!

Colloidal silver is so beneficial to human health!

Even the major news media have documented the fact that infectious microorganisms such as the deadly flesh-eating MRSA and others are growing more and more resistant to modern antibiotic drugs at the same time they deliberately fail to report on how colloidal silver ever more effective than modern antibiotics.

Some pathogens are now even resistant to vancomycin, long considered by doctors to be the antibiotic drug of last resort. And the numbers of these drug-resistant pathogens are growing higher and higher every year, killing more and more Americans – particularly the elderly and the very young who are the least able to withstand the onslaught of infectious disease!

Yet laboratory tests have demonstrated that colloidal silver can kill hundreds of infectious microorganisms – including many of the antibiotic resistant super pathogens such as MRSA – dead in their tracks!

And because colloidal silver is not a poison like modern antibiotics, the deadly microorganisms cannot grow resistant to it. Instead, science tells us that colloidal silver is a safe, natural substance that attaches itself to an enzyme receptor site on the outer shell of pathogenic microorganisms in the human body, and kills them by preventing them from “respiring.” In essence, colloidal silver smothers the deadly little critters!

We cannot let the global pharmaceutical conglomerates and their cronies in the EFSA & US FDA restrict this vital and potentially life-saving information from the world any longer, it is our responsibility to let other’s know about this!

Buy yours today from Pro Colloidal Silver!


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