Bob Beck Cancer Treatment Testimonials

1998 Testimonial: Cancer:

"Back From the Dead"

Skin biopsies and blood tests from two separate labs confirmed I had cancer. On my arms and legs were skin cancer lesions. Through my veins flowed other malignant cells-less visible but more deadly. A researcher at the cancer clinic at UCLA told me flatly that without treatment I had six months to a year of wasting away before I died. His words fell like hammer blows. A younger researcher advised against the experimental chemotherapy describing the painful side effects. "Your only hope is alternative therapy," he said. Cigarettes, liquor, cholesterol, a sedentary life-I had done everything wrong but drug abuse. Who could I blame? My first inclination was to give up as I knew nothing about 'alternative therapies.'

With the help of my friend, Peter, I waded through many 'sure-fire' cures and narrowed my choice to the research of Robert C. Beck, D.Sc. Beck's documentation was impressive and cited real medical references and patents as well as case histories. I had just read the media reports about a new electrical device that neutralizes snake venom and I like gadgets, so I decided on the Beck units. I followed the Beck protocol: drank freshly-made colloidal silver and used the Silver Pulser and the Magnetic Pulser from SOTA Instruments faithfully. The results were immediate. Diarrhea, sinusitis, bleeding, aching joints-fluids oozed from every orifice. All of which the Beck papers predicted-apparently due to the flushing of toxins. In my case from almost fifty years of hard living. After five days, the deep profound pain in my arms and legs just stopped. After living in pain for so many months, I was able to stop taking morphine. The skin lesions were drying up as well so I discontinued all medication except vitamin/mineral supplements.

On the tenth day I returned to my home in Mexico. My energy level had doubled and my appetite came back. It had been so long since I'd felt hunger that I mistook the feeling for stomach pains. I stopped losing weight.

Once home I completed the recommended three weeks in August 1997. I have been symptom free since then and I'm gaining back my weight. To confirm the results, a blood test came back negative-no sign of cancer.

So what really happened? I am still the skeptical scientist. I feel compelled to consider the other variables: Months before the treatment, I had begun simplifying my life. Instead of working 12 hour days I shut down my business. I moved from a confined apartment above my shop to a spacious, bright, airy place with a spectacular view. I now see clearly that stress and overwork alone can kill.

Following the Beck protocol, I was spending time every day doing something to take care of myself. In addition to using the units, I was drinking lots of water, taking short walks and I cut down on the smoking and drinking. I became aware of how light, air and food affected me.

Another important factor-friends. Love and support came in the form of chicken soup, picking things up for me, giving me rides, and encouragement.

All of the above elements were important but I believe the combination therapy I used has definite therapeutic value.

Since I completed the treatment, I have used the Beck units on three other people with different problems-skin cancer, Herpes simplex, Herpes Zoster, and a chronic urinary tract infection. All have had major improvements or complete remission. 
W.R., Mexico


Bob Beck: "Recently, Jane and I were invited to the largest alternative cancer clinic in the western hemisphere. The man in charge of the clinic told me that 87% of their terminal, not mid-stage, cancer patients, who had been given up for dead, are now healed! They have scar tissue where once they had lesions; they have clean biopsies. They are up, they are back at work. Those patients used the technology we are discussing today (blood electrification). I was given terminal cancer patients by the largest and best-known hospital in California. After 12 of them were healed, some of them ended up committing suicide because we had taken their crutches away from them. We will say that this technology will not overcome a person's death wish. That is an issue we have to find an answer for and have not yet found, but we will."

From another webpage:

"I had a large tumor on my neck about the size of a lemon for several years. I had trouble turning my head. I began using the Beck units directly on the tumor for several hours a day. My tumor is less than one half the size after 3 weeks and I'll continue to use it until it disappears." GB, California
"Four months ago my 55 year old friend underwent cancer surgery. The surgery required a three-inch band across her skull with skin replacement being made from another part of her body. Two months later they discovered another cancerous tumor on her skull below the previous one which was the size of a walnut. She again scheduled surgery. A friend came over and used the magnetic device on top of the tumor for two hours the day prior to the surgery. The doctors were unable to find any cancer cells. The tumor was much smaller when opened smelled something horrible." TJ

"I had a cancerous tumor in my left lung, one that was removed from my spine and one on my sacrum. It is in the lymph system and thus very difficult to treat and cure with medical assistance. I started a total cleansing program in my life and used the Beck units. It appears that my cancer is beginning to be contained. The tumors decreased in size and blood tests indicate the cancer is not increasing. The units got rid of my lymph gland swelling within a few hours and have been an important part of my detoxification program." BF, Colorado

"My husband's lung tumor was the size of a goose egg. Refusing medical assistance, he used the Beck units. The tumor fragmented in three weeks. A CAT scan showed no evidence of the tumor after a month." LJ, Nevada

"My nine year-old daughter was diagnosed with cancer and had an AMAS test reading of 135. I immediately placed her on the full Beck protocol. Less than three months later the AMAS test was 43. Your products are incredible!" T.H. Singleton, Washington

"I've had prostate cancer for nine years; …my PSA reading was 1096. I started using the Beck protocol. …The magnetic unit keeps my pain away. …I went off pain medication. My oncologist was pleased at how good I look. Now I'm working in my garden a little and I feel real good." AM, Utah

"I had a melanoma the size of my fingertip which the doctor said had to be excised. I started working with the Beck units. Each day it got smaller and smaller. After three weeks nothing was left but a little scar. There has been no recurrence for several years.   "My mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was scheduled to have surgery. After the surgery the doctors said they couldn't do anything and she needed to prepare to die. I flew to Oklahoma with the Beck units. Three weeks later, she walked a mile without help. After 5 weeks she traveled across country to visit me and then on to Seattle to visit my brother. Four months from the surgery, she is regaining her lost weight and going strong. Not bad for a 67 year-old woman who was given only six weeks to live." D. Gonzales, CA

"My husband was diagnosed with cancer of the colon. They operated and said they got it all, but it metastasized to his lungs. They again operated, said they got it all, but it metastasized to his blood. We started the Beck protocol. Now, several months later, he has had no symptoms, his blood is totally cancer-free and last month the specialist released him." EK, Missouri

"'Your thin-needle biopsy report is back. It's malignant lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's cancer. It's the large-cell variety. It will be quick.' I used the Beck units. The cancer quickly went into remission and remains there today." Oljess

…I treated one of my Clinic patients who had been given the 6 WEEKS TO LIVE scenario from her Dr. in Sept. of 1994, with my own "Beck Protocol".  She had massive cancer tumors throughout the right breast and lymph.  She had worked in hospitals in her younger years and knew that she did not want to experience any of their "experiments" at the probable end of her life.  She was 73 at the time, and asked if I could help her keep her dignity and body intact to the very end of her life…..I had just finished re-designing my friend's, Dr. Bob Beck's, original schematic of the blood clearing device that he had given to me for my research in May 1994…before he ever came public with his Aids Research Blood Clearing Protocol.  When he did announce his research publicly on the July 4th holiday, 1994, I was there again with him to support that work, and to get the original Magnetic Pulsers he had made just for me to use in my Clinics.

No one I spoke to all those years ago would believe that Aids could be treated in this manner, so, when my friend asked for help with breast & lymph cancer, I felt it would be the perfect test of my theory.  I created a daily program for her.   A very unique protocol that was super simple to use, and after 2 months of my treatments, a biopsy at Kaiser Hospital showed us that there was no cancer anywhere in her body. My first experiment with that type of cancer was successful for this 73 year old woman who is still alive today, and has never had a re-occurrence anywhere in her body of that original diagnoses.    – Dr. CB

William’s testimonial is another dramatic example. After three weeks of using the Silver Pulser, the MAGNETIC PULSER and drinking colloidal silver, a blood test indicated he was free of any cancer. Both before and after using the units, however, he made major changes in his life: lightened his work load, moved to a brighter home, and accepted the love and support of friends.

I loaned a blood electrifier to a friend with lymphatic cancer and told him how to optimize his diet to support the immune system and the tumors were gone in 2 months. – 5/2009

Hi all, I told everyone a while ago my friends sister had secondary cancer in the kidney, lungs, lymph under her arm and the neck. She was given 3 months to live. She has now been using the Bob Beck Protocol for 3.5 months. She has been feeling better each day as i stated before and today she has been to see her Oncologist at the hospital. She was supposed to get an x-ray and a scan today. The last time she had the x-ray she had a growth in her lung the size of a fist. She got her x-ray earlier today and called me almost in tears which gave me a scare but they were happy tears. The growth in her lung has completely gone and there is not even any scarring. She said her doctors were "Amazed" She and her husband are delighted. The doctors have now said come back to see us in 4 months time. In one sense I was wanting her to get the scan but the doctors felt it was not necessary. She has been using all the ___ units and i also recommended for her to go on the budwig diet and to avoid sugars and red meats. My friend has also been on the phone to thank me for persuading him to get the units and just wished we had known about this one year earlier so that he could have saved his wife from cancer. I hope this email gives inspiration to others.
Thanks Keith – 11/2009

My tumor was gone in 4 months, but started shrinking during the first 10 days noticeably. the guy with aids started feeling better in the 1st week. He was symptom free in 3 months. This protocol does work. I also use mms now. Its good stuff. 11/2009

Beck invented his device totally independant of Rife technology. It was his brain-child after he found out about the lab tests against HIV in the lab of researchers of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. They used dc current to reduce HIV infectivity by 99%. Their second medical patent proposed AC current and that is what Beck went with, choosing to use 4 hertz. After I realized that the actual tests were based on treatment with dc current I made a dc current device and tested it on myself. It proved to be just as effective against the Epstein Barr Virus that I kept getting reinfected with while living in South America (because all the latinos carry it). I also loaned it to a friend with lymphatic cancer and he got well using it (and changing his diet). Please read my e-book about electromedicine at http://www.dragonfl index.html

Fred was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few months ago. There was also a spot on his liver the size of 'two peanuts'. The PSA was very high. He was put on the hormone inhibitor flutamide, but no other treatment was offered. The situation was much too far advanced. Surgery, he was told, would be a waste of Fred's money and the doctor's time. In three months he would be dead.
Fred and his wife live in New Brunswick. The two of them made a trip to Seattle to visit his sister. While there, they heard about my friend, a nutritionist/herbalist/muscle-tester we will call 'Ann'. Might as well go visit Ann, there was very little to lose at this point. As they sat in Ann's office, Fred's wife felt that they were wasting their time. 'We know he is going to die.' Ann replied that there was a good chance that he would make it.
The treatment involved three electronic devices. The first was a PFG-100 Rife-Crane paddle type machine. A Black Box blood electrifier was to be used on wrist pulse points one hour each day. After each such treatment, he was to use a magnetic pulse generator on each lymph node. Fred was also told to sit on the negative face of a large flat magnet for at least twenty minutes twice each day. It was felt that this afforded the nearest point to the prostate. Nutritional support consisted of just two items from Oxygen for Life: Liquid minerals and liquid shark cartilage. Five weeks later, Fred was back in New Brunswick. He went back to his oncologist for the appropriate tests and scans. All were normal and he was pronounced free of cancer. The doctor said that in several thousand cases, he had not seen any cases of cancer just go away like that. As I write this (February 2, 1997), Fred is satisfied with the outcome.

Bob Beck: "Recently, Jane and I were invited to the largest alternative cancer clinic in the western hemisphere. The man in charge of the clinic told me that 87% of their terminal, not mid-stage, cancer patients, who had been given up for dead, are now healed! They have scar tissue where once they had lesions; they have clean biopsies. They are up, they are back at work. Those patients used the technology we are discussing today (blood electrification). I was given terminal cancer patients by the largest and best-known hospital in California. After 12 of them were healed, some of them ended up committing suicide because we had taken their crutches away from them. We will say that this technology will not overcome a person's death wish. That is an issue we have to find an answer for and have not yet found, but we will."

Cancer Cells revert back to Normal Cells using Electrical Current!!! http://www.springer content/t20264u8 2h32762q/

Disruption of Cancer Cell Replication by Alternating Electric Fields http://cancerres. aacrjournals. org/cgi/content/ abstract/ 64/9/3288


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