Colloidal Silver 5 Star Reviews & Testimonials

Stories by real people of their colloidal silver experiences.

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Colloidal silver is a suspension of pure silver in water. It is used as a mineral supplement to augment the body’s immune system. Here are some first-hand testimonials by real people.  Please keep in mind, these are their stories.  They are not claims we are making.  The FDA has not reviewed or approved this material.

In “The Body Electric” Dr. Robert Becker drew a parallel between silver deficiencies and the improper function of the immune system. He concluded by his experiments that silver works without any side effects. He also discovered that when silver deficiency is corrected cancer cells returned back to normal cells.

LIVER TRANSPLANT – Hi, My name is Angel. I have been waiting to be put on a transplant list for my liver for two years. I heard about Colloidal Silver at a fellowship meeting.

I started taking it at about three ounces a day. After a month I asked my doctor what he thought about it. “stop right now” — he said

He didn’t know anything about it. Well we went to Seattle to be put on the list. While we were there I went through all the tests for two days. Went to our Herpetologist Surgeon, he told me where on the list I would be.

He came in grinning from ear to ear. He sat down and he said, “ONE IN A MILLION!” We thought he was talking about test results. Then he said “No, you have a chance of one in a million odds of what has happened to you”. Then he said the MAGIC WORDS! My liver is rejuvenating itself and I don’t need a liver transplant anymore!

We praised the Lord and told him about Colloidal Silver. He was excited and wants to know more about it. Thanks to God, and Colloidal Silver. It is a miracle!

Angel in Boulder, Montana.

MS — I just found your site and I want to ad a testimonial of my own. I would like to shout from the mountain tops. I was walking with a cane, and numb on my right side. I was about to go on disability, because I couldn’t work anymore due to the course of my MS.
After drinking colloidal silver 16 oz. per day for 12 weeks, my MS symptoms began to vastly improve. Today I work up to 10 hrs per day, I walk with no problem, and the numbness is almost gone. I have come back about 80% from when I started drinking Colloidal silver water. Anyone with MS, get started drinking NOW. Thanks for the space to spread my message. Sincerely, Nancy DeLise
Crohn’s — Our son has Crohn’s. The only thing that let him live a normal life was a steroid. You can’t stay on them forever. He ended up with Pancreatitis from them, They then put him on asacol and imordal . They helped some. Someone suggested he try colloidal silver. In less than a month he was off all medicines. He takes the silver 2 to 3 times a day and it controls the pains. He now lives a normal life. If the pains start up he just takes an extra dose of silver. His Dr. sees him every 6 months. He has been on the silver 7 months. It also has helped us with colds and sore throats. I also know of a young girl in her 20′s that has endometriosis and finds the silver helps with the pain.
Rosacea — Shingles I have been reading the many testimonials on your web site on the outstanding VALUE of colloidal silver and I am so happy for the many persons that have been and that are being helped by finding out about the great relief that c.silver has brought to them. I have received so many email letters asking a host of questions, including one from a gentleman that used to be the director of an neurological research team in a large University, who decried the stance that the medical profession has taken on some alternative types of beneficial treatments for various health problems. You may remember me, wrote you a testimonial nearly a year ago telling you that I had taken tetrycycline for acne rosecea for 27 years, and that after finally trying it for shingles for about 2 months and then being taken off of quinaglute for irregular heart beat, I also went off of tetrycycline to see if by chance my rosecea might have gone away, like maybe I had “outgrown it ” and now today is the 428 th day without tetrycycline and I do all the things that was disallowed when I had rosecea, like avoidance of the Vegas summer sun, alcohol, spices, coffee ect. I now enjoy them all and show not even the slightest symptoms of it returning. I have had so many write me with Rosecea and wanting to know if I was for real ect. and so I have tried to answer somewhere under 100 inquiries and cannot keep up with them all. So basically what they need to know is this.
One ounce of this solution morning, noon and night along with gently dabbing the affected area with one of my wife’s makeup pads soaked in silver several times letting it air dry between each application and do this 3 or 4 times a day and in several days the results should really be encouraging. This regimen may have to be repeated, I do not know and here is why I say that. I am plagued with phlem in my throat, like most old men are ( I am 78 ) and I sometimes take 1 oz. morning and early evening so I don’t keep my wife awake all night clearing my throat, and it may be that this could, I say COULD contribute to my not having problems with Rosecea, although I don’t think so as I have taken trips in the last year without silver and rosecea did not show up.
Anyway there you have it. It has been a real pleasure reading your occasional testimonials, please keep them coming as you get them. Your friend Robert Weaver in Vegas
Whooping Cough– My youngest son is very susceptible to just about every virus and germ known to man, I think. He had whooping cough about 2 years ago. We treated the usual way with antibiotics from the doctor… two months later he was still coughing and wheezing. Then, last spring he somehow contacted it again. We caught it very early on and had the diagnosis confirmed by a doctor, that he truely had whooping cough for a SECOND time. We gave him as much colloidal silver as we could, including a nasal spray of it, as the back of the nose is where the whooping cough virus likes to hide. Withins 36 hours there was no trace of a wheeze or whoop in him. His pediatrician couldn’t believe it as I handed him back his prescription for eurithromyacin 2 days later and my son had a clean retest for the virus. He just couldn’t believe that 2 days before a test had confirmed it and it was now totally gone.
Colloidal silver is now or first defence instead of our last resort for both us and our children.
Thank you for making such quality products available,
A very satisfied customer and mother.
Hepatitis C I’m finally getting around to tell you what’s been going on. Before I started taking colloidal silver, for my Hepatitis C I told that my viral load was 7,122,000 . Yes, over seven million. I finally got the results from my last viral load test it was amazing. my viral load was down to 739,000 that’s almost ten times less than before I started taking colloidal silver. Bill I want others to Know that there is hope!!!!!!! .Though I take other herbals such as maximum milk thistle, grape seed extract through vita labs. Com and natures way, and the milkthistle through hepatitis central. I believe that the colloidal silver is the catalyst for this amazing drop in my viral load. I also gave some colloidal silver to my Daughter she and my Grandchildren had the FLU. Bill she told me the very first day she took two tablespoons, and that it made her feel funny, and the fever and chills were gone. she also gave some to the Grandchildren and it helped them also get better.
I ask her if she was sure the colloidal silver helped? she assured me that it helped. Thanks for being there. sincerely Bruce Clark in St. Louis, MO
Shingles — I have been using Colloidal Silver for nearly 10 years. But it was hard to find and sometimes so very expensive. . . .The experience that I would like to add to your testimonies is this:
My mother is 84, and last year she got shingles on her face and in her hair. I had just read that Colloidal Silver was good for shingles, and as I live some 70 miles from her, I took a quart of Colloidal Silver and headed for her home. When I got there I started by giving her a fourth of a cup internally (which we did twice a day) and started spraying the effected area with a spritz bottle. It started feeling much better almost immediately, as it took the itching and soreness away. She sprayed it as many times a day as she wanted or felt it needed it. Two days later she went back to the Dr. and he was amazed. He told her she was doing so well she would not have to come back. It took a week or so for all the scabs to heal. Sense then several people I know have used the Colloidal Silver for shingles with the same results. Saying it was the only thing that really helped. I also know two people who are now using it for chronic sinus infections which they have had for years and have had none since starting to use the silver . I am so grateful it is being made available to everyone.  Lois Woodcox Mountain Green, Ut.
Coughing — Oh thank you very much. I have found that taking two tablespoons of colloidal silver helps keep this horrible infection in my trachea under control. Without it I am coughing up pheglm abundantly and constantly especially when I get cold (not a cold). I have no idea what horrible combination of molds, toxins and bacteria I breathed for 4 years,but the coughing brought my blood pressure up to stroke level a few times and I was ALWAYS sick. I’m a robust healthy (normally) active 63 year old woman who holds down a 40 hour week job that is taxing and takes care of my horse 6 days a week before work and on Saturdays. Its unusual for me to be an invalid. The silver has helped me regain my normal health after years of suffering.  S.E.
Bell’s Palsy — I wanted you to know that since starting (again) on the Silver last week, I am feeling and looking better already! I called you last week and we spoke about my bout with Bell’s Palsy a year ago next month; I have had some “left over” symptoms, including a swollen right eye; pain in the right nostril, headaches, ear pain, etc., etc.; have taken and done all I could think of and now, FINALLY, am getting somewhere with the CS!!!! Thank God! and Thank God for you!
I can see a difference already in my right eye and there is not as much swelling; someone at work even noticed the difference in me today! I think I have more energy as well….I am looking forward to complete recovery thanks to this wonderful product!
Yours truly, Sandra Thomas
Interstitial Cystitis — I have Interstitial Cystitis (IC), it is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder. Its cause is unknown. Symptoms can be frequency of urination, which can be accompanied by pain, pressure or spasms. As of this date there is no know cure. I have had IC for nearly three years, it is a life altering condition. The pain is sometimes unbearable.
About two weks ago I came across your website for colloidal silver. I read where a woman had a chronic bladder infection and she started taking colloidal silver, and it helped her. After reading that I thought I would give it a try for my IC. After the first dose I already had some relief and by the third day I was pain free. I’ve only been taking colloidal silver for about a week and a half and have had no pain since. I had forgot what it was like to be without pain. This product has been a God send for me. Thank you, and God bless you. Stacy
Welding Burn in Eyes – I, have to tell you of my son’s experience, he occasionally does welding and one day last week, he allowed his eyes an open view of an arc and the burns show up late in the night hours, he woke up in severe pain, putting cold compresses on them, to no avail, and no sleep either, he works for us, so he called late in the morning to report what happened, it was about 11am, I said I have something that will help and it’s worth a try, they put something similar in new born babies eyes, so I drove to his house, with my bottle of colloidal silver and he was a bit apprehensive at his mothers ‘concoctions’ so to speak, but I convinced him to let me put a tinsy tiny drop in one corner of one eye, his face was completely red all around the eyes down to his chin, up to his forehead, it was apparent he had fever in this area, it was very warm and his eyes were running like a faucet, water pouring out of them, so we put the drop in the corner and then he opened it a bit to let it flow in, he wasn’t very trusting at the moment, well within seconds he said well maybe this will work, so then I convinced him to let me put more in but he was in such pain, he was so apprehensive, but I as a mother did it, he was so afraid it would burn, it never burned at all, and miraculously did the other eye and he let me put more in each time, I did this every 15min. for an hour and half and he was completely normal by the > time I left, his eyes quit tearing and the red on his face was gone, the fever was gone in that area as well, he was ‘one happy camper’ so to speak.
So if anyone ever runs across this, feel free to pour it in!!!!!!! God is GOOD all the time. Matter of fact, my son who is 26yrs. old was praising alot at that time, since he had suffered for about 9hrs. horribly.
Asthma — Bronchitis, and Sinusitis — I am a 38 year old women who was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 18. For 20 years I have had bronchitis and sinusitis every Jan, Feb, or March along with a nagging dry cough. . . . I was surfing on the internet and looked up Bronchitis and sinusitis . . . I heard a testimony of Colloidal Silver that claimed it helped someone’s asthma. Although a skeptic, out of desperation I ordered a bottle . . . After taking one teaspoon, the very next day I noticed that I could breathe 90% better than the previous day.
I continued to take the Colloidal Silver for a week. Two weeks later I went to my pulmonologist as I had made an appointment the morning my lungs were severely irritated. They X-rayed my lungs and did three hours worth of tests on my lungs and when the doctor came in to see me after reviewing my test results, he told me I had outgrown my asthma. He told me to stop taking both of my asthma medications . . .”
Warts — Hi, I came across your web site and bought a small bottle of colloidal silver because one of your testimonials said they had luck with curing warts. My young 8-year-old daughter was embarrassed by warts that had not gone away with Compound W, which had a strong odor and just didn’t seem to work.
On the first application of colloidal silver, about half the wart dissolved. A few more applications after that, and it was gone! We were SHOCKED at the speed of it’s healing. I think the Compound W treatment calls for weeks and weeks of application. I have a question: What is the shelf life of the colloidal silver? [A: almost indefinite]
Urinary Track Infection – I have been using this product for a while. My Chiropractor recommended it for an earache and it worked wonders. Also my son was bitten by a dog and we used it and the bite healed very quickly.
Also a few days ago I had a urinary track infection. I was hurting so bad. It was hard for me to walk I had read about douching with it and did. In about 3 hours all the pain was gone and I felt great. Thank you for you silver. I recommend it to everyone. God Bless
Diane from Little Rock Arkansas
Chronic Bladder Infection – I have had recurring bladder infections requiring antibiotics for over 20 years. Usually the infection flares up when summer comes and I work outside in the heat. I get a little dehydrated and by evening I have the familiar burning sensation. I have tried the cranberry juice and cranberry pills and finally give in and go to the doctor for antibiotics to cure the pain. The infection seemed to be low-grade, all the time. When I traveled by car, not drinking enough liquids, and not stopping enough, the bladder infection would flare up again. I finally found a solution! Colloidal Silver. Since I began taking Colloidal Silver I have had no bladder infection. Denise
Lyme Disease – Our 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with Lyme Disease after a lengthy and baffling illness. She was put on oral antibiotics for several years with fairly good results (they knocked the symptoms down from 40 to 4 ) but, as soon as she got off of the antibiotics, all the symptoms would return. We heard about Colloidal Silver through a newsletter we subscribed to and decided to give it a try. Within 4 weeks there was a tremendous improvement and not long after that, all symptoms were gone! This was almost 3 years ago, she has just turned 14 and remains symptom free. Submitted by Erin ( on Sunday, April 26, 1998
Parvo I’ve used this wonderful product on from viral pneumonia to ear and eye infections (conjunctivitis) to detoxification of the colon. But the story I want to relate might differ from the usual testimonial. I have this beautiful cocker spaniel that does everything but talk.
Needless to say the whole family loves her. This spring while she had her batch of pups she contracted Parvo. When I got home she was well into her symptoms which included dehydration and swelling of the throat and she was shaking terribly from shock. I took a turkey baster and I put about 2 oz. of colloidal silver down her throat ,past the swelling. After about a half hour she was able to drink another four ounces with some water by herself. The next morning she was visibly better.
After giving her another 2 oz she went to feed her pups. Right away I knew that she would be giving them her acquired immunity to the disease. By 10:00AM she was able to accompany me on her walk. Within a couple of days she showed no signs of the illness at all. When you get a chance check it out on sunburns to. Thanks to all those people to bring us this wonderful gift. Denis Gervais
Skin Conditons –I cannot say enough about what colloidal silver has done for my family. At first I was very skeptical, thinking it was “snake oil”, as I have heard it described on the web. My mom was very ill and had been for years with advanced emphysema and had been in and out of hospitals for years. Since Thanksgiving, 1998, she was on her way home and finally left for home on April 17, 1999. However, the time she was here with us my dad and I administered colloidal silver both topically and then orally for a short time. But what really sold us on the effectiveness of it was when we used it topically on an open sore she had on her arm Early this year, she was sent home from the hospital too early because to the now-famous insurance practicing medicine (my own opinion). As a result, she fell out of her bed at home and sliced her upper arm very deeply.
She had been on prednisone for years and as a side effect of that drug, her skin was as thin as tissue paper. The emergency room doctors sutured her arm as best they could, but there was a place a little bigger than a silver dollar that was torn and they could do nothing about it, except to keep it bandaged. She had a home health nurse that came in daily and changed her bandage while applying Neosporin. After 3 weeks of this, the wound was no better. This was the time I discovered colloidal silver. My dad is also a skeptic, so I printed out everything on the web I could find and took it to him.
He thought we should use it for her. I, of course, just happened to have a bottle in the car. I came on Friday – Sunday to care for mom while my dad worked. The next Monday, when the nurse came to change her bandage, my dad asked if he could use the colloidal silver rather than the Neosporin. She couldn’t officially authorize it, but said at this point he could try whatever he thought might help her. He poured the silver on like you might use peroxide, and then soaked her bandage with it.
Within two administrations of this type, she had new skin. When I arrived the following Friday, the bandage had been removed and a transparent bandage had been put on it with the new skin showing through. We were so shocked! I can’t tell you the hope it gave us. We began using it on more of her sores, which also immediately cleared up. She went into the hospital for the last time, because of the advanced stages of her illness and never came home again. We told the doctors about what had happened with the colloidal silver but they “poo-pooed” it and went on giving her their expensive antibiotic treatments, which never helped her. But we saw with our own eyes what it did for her. I believe if we had known about colloidal silver sooner, it could have made a drastic difference in her health in many ways. We still stand amazed. Edye Baldridge Fort Worth, TX
Hidradenitis Suppurativa – Thank you for shipping my latest case of colloidal silver promptly. As a Hidradenitis Suppurativa suffer for over thirty years, I can attest to the excellent results that I received over the past several months. After repeated surgeries, prolonged antibiotic therapy; accutane and vaccine therapy colloidal silver had done what nothing else has, namely controlled this incurable disease. The infections are gone, and so is the pain. It’s nice to feel well again!!!!!! I highly recommend your product. Best regards to all of you. Paul (Please withhold my last name)
PS You will probably get thousands of orders from this testimonial. There are 10′s of thousands of people like me.
Acne Rosecea (Shingles) – A few days ago, a dear friend of ours submitted an order for some silver and she related to you my apparent success , at least at this point of being free of the virus causing acne rosecea.
First, let me state that I had emailed you over a year ago telling you how skeptical I was over what some related to me what was a ” snake oil treatment ” for shingles, and how I agreed to try your colloidal silver for no other reason than to prove to my wife that this would just be another useless ” tonic ” like some of the other remedies suggested by well meaning friends. So I did take internally and topical the silver and not only did I discover my shingles disappeared but also the horrible congestion in my throat which caused me to nearly constantly clear my throat . You had asked me at that time if you could use that as a testimonial to which I did not respond, sorry.
But now I must respond because at this date, March 24 th of the year 2001, I have been off of tetracycline for 84 days. . Please let me explain. I am not writing this to help make someone in this col. silver business more sales. If it does that, that is o.k. too, but the real reason I am telling you this is that it can help others like me to get away from this horrible malady. And if anyone does not think that acne rosacea is not a horribly disfiguring, embarrassing disease to be afflicted with, just bring it up on the web. and observe the disfigurement it can cause. I was diagnosed in 1973 as having Lupus Erythematosus and treated by a Dr. in WA. for a time and then unable to arrest the problem of swollen nose with pustules all over it, I tried treating it topically with hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic jells, etc. then I was referred to a dermatologist in Olympia WA who said that tests showed that it was acne rosacea and not lupus and the real treatment was to take tetracycline the rest of my life or until such time that some other treatment was discovered. That was 27 years ago and I have been on that antibiotic for all that time except for the periodic trial of not taking it in the hopes that It might have gone away. Always, after about 4 days my nose and face would swell, become very red and break out with pustules again, so back to the meds. and only after a week or so even doubling up on the antibiotic some days would my nose become anywhere near normal. Well to shorten the story, in order to have my arrhythmia meds and tetracycline prescriptions renewed {I had enrolled in a HMO plan and had to change DR`s. ] and after being examined by him he said I had atrial fib. and the arrhythmia med was not necessary that I must go on coumaden and so when going off the arrhythmia med I thought I might just as well give the going off of tetracycline another try, which I did and it has now been 84 days and absolutely no sign of my rosecea returning. I can only attribute this to the Colloidal silver which I must take on a frequent basis for the control of the junk in my throat so that I don’t drive my wife nuts from constant throat clearing. I brought up the rosecea web site and wanted to tell them of this, but chose to wait longer to make sure I would not give someone false hopes. The Rosacea society has sent me monthly bulletins and the bottom line has always been that there is no cure, only certain life styles to conform to, such as no caffeine, alcohol, spices, sunlight and on and on. I live in Vegas, plenty of sun, and all the other no no`s which I now enjoy, and I only hope that silver could do the same for others if they could only give it an honest try.
Please feel free to use all or any part of this email to help others, and if just one can gain relief from this I will consider it a blessing. Your friend Robert Weaver
Acne Rosacea Update – I want to write you to give you an update on my acne rosecea. Today is 190 days without tetracycline and everything is fine. One of the people who responded to my testimonial was a gentleman who used to be the manager of research in the field of neurosurgery and he cannot understand the unacceptability of alternate procedures in medicine like colloidal silver, and I agree. My sister in law called last night so elated that after 16 years of some sort of bowel syndrome causing diarrhea after every meal. She takes 1 ounce straight 2 times a day and now can go anyplace without the fear of eating and heading to a bath room. She has been on every kind of medicine in those 16 years and now she is free of the problem. Of course time will tell if it is permanent or will she have to continue with the colloidal silver. You have my permission to add to my testimonial any part of this.
Sincerely, Robert Weaver
Persistent Ongoing Cellulitis — I have been being treated for a persistent ongoing cellulitis in my right leg for the past 6 weeks. My leg was dark red and swollen 12 inches larger in diameter than my other leg. I have been taking 875 mg., Augmentin by mouth, two times daily, and have been getting a shot of rocefin (spelling?) daily from a home health care nurse. There has been NO improvement of my condition until the past week.
During the past week I started drinking 16 oz., of the 10 ppm solution daily and all of the sudden the cellulitis has mysteriously started to disappear!!!! The red coloration is almost gone, and the swelling has started to come down. My home health nurse has suddenly taken a genuine interest in colloidal silver, and is reading everything she can on the subject! I did go thru a period of general malaise and flu like symptoms for about 24 hours, on the third day of taking the silver. I suspect this was from the silver killing off all of the parasites in my system.
I also had quite a bout of diarrhea for about12 hours, but yogurt and a couple of raw potato¹s cleared that up right away. I would recommend anyone taking the silver in that dosage eat yogurt daily to keep a proper balance of good intestinal cultures. Just thought this might be of interest to you. R.D. Graham
HIV/AIDS – Please understand that my friend and myself are adult gay men…but this should have no bearings when it comes to with HIV/AIDS and Colloidal Silver and much needed medical information. Colloidal Silver has been a true blessing for he and myself. He and I went about using Colloidal Silver in different ways, he stayed on his hiv meds while taking silver, then gradually deleted hiv meds along the way.
I, on the other hand stopped all my meds Feb. 2000 and went 6 months without HIV meds before starting on C.S. I just got my blood work results back the other day which was done in Mar 2001 and everything came back much better than I had expected and much better than they were a year ago! I have a very close friend that is a Registered Nurse and she was amazed at my blood work. She said that most healthy people that she deals with doesn’t have blood results as good as mine were needless to say this made me feel like I was on the right track with dealing with this HIV/AIDS thing. Now my job is to get this information about Colloidal Silver out to as many as humanly possible not only HIV/AIDS people but to people with many other illnesses! But I can honestly say that I am enjoying doing what I am doing. There are a lot of people that have gotten on Colloidal Silver after they saw the change it made in me and my health and my life.
The HIV Meds were rapidly stealing my life away from me. Colloidal Silver has given me back my life!! People need to understand that HIV/AIDS was not killing people it was the intolerable toxic meds that was doing the killing and even with the newer meds the meds are still killing people, not the HIV/AIDS itself. No one has ever died from the HIV/AIDS Virus! But many many thousands have died from the toxic meds other things like viral pneumonia.
In bringing this to a close please feel free to contact me at any time and also feel free to give my e mail address to anyone that may want to talk with me about my experience with Colloidal Silver. Take Care Keep up the good work God Bless
Curt Curtis R. Hale
Urinary Tract Infection -– I had been trying for about a week to cure a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) on my own with lots of cranberry juice and water. The morning that I woke up
with severe back pain I decided it was time to go to the doctor. I went to see Dr. Shiva in San Antonio where he did a urinalysis and said that I didn’t have any infection. He then had me do various range of motion exercises to determine my back injury which had my back screaming in pain.
He took X-rays and said that I had muscle spasms in my back. He gave me a pain shot, and
prescriptions for muscle relaxers and pain pills. $198.00 later I was at home drugged up and in severe pain. This was on a Friday. On Monday, still in pain, still experiencing worsening UTI symptoms, I went to see Dr. Harry Hernandez in San Antonio. He tested me and found a severe UTI. He gave me the generic drug which he said worked about 75% of the time and was about $100.00 cheaper. He told me to come back in 10 days and he would retest me, free of charge. I went back 10 days later and still had traces of infection.
He gave me 4 pills of the name brand drug, but I still had to buy 4 more, through a prescription, they were $10.00 each, but he said that this one would knock it out for sure. Relieved that I didn’t have to worry about that anymore, me and my husband took off to Mississippi to visit relatives. About four days into our trip I was horrified to start feeling the symptoms reappear.
I had a bottle of Colloidal Silver that my sister had given me which I had been using as a topical agent only, I had been leery of taking it orally, but at this point I was getting desperate. I took one capful and another capful that night. The next morning I didn’t notice any more symptoms. I now take one capful a day and am leaving on another trip in the morning. I feel much safer knowing that I have my Silver with me. Tina Gullick San Antonio, Texas
Sinus/Bronchitis Infection – How I avoided my usual seasonal sinus/bronchitis infection We live in a grove of Live Oak trees and every spring, they do their pollen thing and I first get an allergic thing and then it goes to my sinuses and then to my bronchial tubes and I get sick for weeks and some times I have to go get antibiotics and sometimes even that doesn’t work and green crud comes out for a long time and I cough all night . Well this year(1999), when I first felt a little something in my throat, I started putting colloidal silver down my throat, about a dropper or 2. and in an hour or so, it was gone. It felt that way in a couple hours again and I hit it again with the colloidal silver and it went away. That was a couple of weeks ago and now the pollen season is over and I can rest easy. Thank God for colloidal silver. Bill
Severe Sinus Infections – I just recently tried colloidal silver for the first time. I have severe sinus infections. Nothing has worked before — I’ve tried every kind of over the counter sinus medication I could find. But after reading about colloidal silver, I tried a few drops in my nose, and low and behold, within 15 minutes the headache was gone! I couldn’t believe it! It continued to work for several weeks and I noticed to my surprise that all the sensitivity in my teeth was also gone! But last week, I started getting a headache, and the colloidal silver didn’t work; I realized the infection was much deeper and the drops couldn’t get to it so I started taking it internally. It took a few hours to work this time, but it worked! Thank God — I’ve finally found some relief from that terrible pain! R. M. Higgins
Lyme Disease – After a year of treatment with antibiotics for Lyme disease my doctor recommended the use of colloidal silver. Daily dosages of colloidal silver over a six month period lessened the Lyme symptoms greatly.” Edward W. Robinson
Sore Throat – My husband is a custom compounder and pharmacist and we have been sharing the colloidal silver story with our patients and they are having positive results. One man had a sore throat and cough for 8 months and the silver cleared it up in 8 days. Pat Pedersen Date: 06 Jul 1999 Time: 11:20:55 Harlan
HEPATITIS C – Three years ago I went to see my doctor because I believed I must have chronic fatigue syndrome. I had only three or four good hours of energy everyday & then I had to go to bed again. It seemed as if I lived my life in bed with my illness. I was an invalid. The blood tests for my liver enzymes revealed the hepatitis C. The doctor told me this is the incurable form of hepatitis. I was crushed by that information, but what was just as bad was the heartless and demeaning way that he told me; so unfeeling and cold, with the attitude that somehow I was to blame for this. I was shocked and disgusted with his questions.
He asked many of them the way it would be in confession and he was the priest. Apparently there is the attitude about this disease that ” you deserve it, you probably brought it on yourself.” Yes, I do admit my alcohol consumption was overboard for many years. I also know the disease can be gotten many other ways. It was virtually unknown until the 1970′s so blood transfusions often were infected. They called it “nonspecific hepatitis” before the 1970′s. Whatever the form of contact, it should not be the business of my doctor to moralize or judge my “imagined” sins or me.
I was so angry with him for the things he told the booklet and me he handed to me. It was a pamphlet with skull and crossbones on the cover, and it was like a formal death sentence he was handing me. He said that I should wait until I’m in the advanced stages of the disease before I should seek the interferon treatment, and it will probably make me feel sicker than the disease itself. My whole world collapsed in on me; that was the darkest day of my whole life of forty-three years.
Then came the blessing. I must have had some good karma stored up, because it came my way in the form of my dear husband. He could not bear to see me so tortured by this any longer and he said, “don’t worry, I’ll get you through this.” I guess it was about a week later when he told me he remembered an article he’d read 20 years ago, in one of those popular mechanics – The subject was colloidal silver. . . I decided it was time to take control of my health and my destiny. Everything was in the balance. I did go overboard taking the C.S. three times a day for 3 months and once a day thereafter, and I took twice as much as is recommended, but I was fighting mad and determined to stick with it. Those doctors put me up to a challenge and I was ready to fight the “good fight.”
I did experience the commonly known “healing crisis” for about a week, when I was very tired, but not sickish. The C.S. was killing off a tremendous amount of toxins in my liver and that took extra energy on my part, so I was eating extra healthy food at that time. I don’t know if I was cured in the first three days or if I was cured in the first three months, because my first liver enzyme test was six months after I began the C.S. I was absolutely sure that I was cured. My energy was over the top & I could stay awake 16 hours a day& I began living life happy & free. Sure enough my complete liver panel came back negative for any traces of hep C. This blood panel has been negative now for 3 years, it’s as if I never had hep c, but I did and I suffered long enough with it.
This is more – a lot more than a success story about my health – It is a spiritual healing too. This experience has given me a true purpose in life. I’m not a religious person, but I am deeply spiritual – I know his has got to be way I found out my purpose in life is to help others with hepatitis – C by giving them encouragement and hope. It is only fair to share this good news with those who still suffer. The social and medical stigma attached to hep c is caused from pure ignorance and fear. Let’s all overcome that unfortunate attitude and lean on each other to get through – Knowledge is power and the shroud of misinformation can be lifted if we all take control of our own destinies.
My first opportunity to reach out to others came to me when my uncle called me. He said, “I have a friend who has hepatitis C. Would you be willing to talk to him on the phone about your experience?” That was the beginning of my “calling in life”- I simply told him about my success with C.S. and I started sending him the C.S. in the hopes that he would in short order, get out of bed and have the energy to help himself. This was three months ago and today he is feeling good everyday. The first week after he was taking C.S. he jumped out of bed and went to buy a bicycle. He’s been riding five miles a day, and still does a full-time job – This is the best part of all. Just knowing that by simply telling him about my experience, he was able to come to the conclusion that C.S. was his hope for a new life too.
I’m sooooo glad I didn’t buy-into the stigma attached to this illness. I’m fortunate enough to have the energy and good-health to go help others who still suffer, and for this I am MOST grateful. With Much Gratitude, Karen
Chronic Sinus Disease – I am very grateful for finding out about the good effect of colloidal silver from your web site! I have had chronic sinus disease for over 15 years which was treated by conventional doctors with antihistamines, steroid sprays, antibiotics for the frequent infections, and surgery to remove polyps when the antibiotics no longer worked.
A few years ago a nutritionist taught me that cow’s milk was a major cause of the inflammation and mucus causing sinus headaches. Changing this, and other things in my diet helped a lot! However, I was still affected by allergens and after having a cold or flu I usually came away with a sinus infection that was increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Most recently I had tried a course of treatment with a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist–which helped some until getting a slight cold which sent me back to square one.
Then, while searching the web, I happened upon your site, and now feel I have found the means to be and stay well from now on! When I received my first bottle of your colloidal silver, I was suffering from severe headaches from the infection, combined with the unusually high pollen this spring. I drank two teaspoons and dripped two droppers-full into my nose before sleeping, and woke up for the first time in weeks with no headache or face pain!!! I continued to feel better over the next days, and resolved to try it for the six to eight weeks suggested for a chronic condition–both orally and in my nostrils morning and night.
As I improved I told other friends who also found benefits from your colloidal silver, and decided to buy your generator package. I make my own solution now, which has a good effect on my complexion, helped a burn on my finger heal very fast with almost no scar, and cleared up a friend’s poison ivy in less than a week! (Our interjection: In my experience, poison ivy goes away in a week or so. No miracle here)
Though I had a temporary setback during a very high pollen week, and needed to increase my dosage to three tablespoons a day (due to the weaker strength of my homemade solution), I persevered with the help of decongestants. Am I glad I did! This week was just under three months of taking silver, and I have no sign of infection, and have regained my long lost sense of smell !!! I cannot thank you enough for being there!!!
Thank you, too, for being there on the other end of the telephone to answer my frequent questions about dosages and how to properly make the colloidal silver. I hope your company prospers to your benefit and the benefit of so many people! Again, thank you for your careful research about colloidal silver, and for providing a product and services that are so useful to people!! Sincerely, Marion Fennell
Bronchial Asthma. An unusual and complex testimony so read carefully. I am 54 years old and have had chronic Bronchial Asthma since childhood. When I was 8 years old, the allergist told my mother (God rest her soul), “He (me) is allergic to cats and cigarette smoke. If you don’t stop smoking and get rid of the cat, he will develop Bronchial Asthma. Guess what? She didn’t and I did.
Here I was, 46 years later coughing up tons of phlegm every morning and barely able to breathe. I had to use asthma spray constantly (both prescription and over the counter). On the label it says not to use it if you have any prostate problems or incontinence. After many years of use, the spray caused night incontinence. I had a choice, either breathe or do laundry every morning. Since I am alive to write this, you guessed it, I do a lot of laundry. This was a quandary.
THANK GOD!! along came colloidal silver! I started using it regularly and at any sign of congestion and soon was using less and less asthma spray and less and less laundry soap – a double savings. I know this story sounds far fetched and I do not know why or how it works, but I would not be without colloidal silver. Larry
Note: Almost 1 billion dollars worth of asthma and other spray decongestants are sold every year.
Serious Gastrointestinal Distress – I Just got the newsletter & would like to share some of my own seemingly “miraculous” results with colloidal silver. Being a nurse for 23 years, I’ve witnessed, first hand, the abuses of antibiotics to treat viral infections. As we all know now, super bacteria resistant to all antibiotics have developed & threaten us due to overuse of antibiotics. Anyway, I am one of those people who cannot tolerate the effects of antibiotics. I develop serious gastrointestinal distress, so finding colloidal silver has been a gift from God, as far as I am concerned. Just want to give you a few examples of how CS has helped me & my pets.
I have stopped cold & flu symptoms countless times, never developing a full-blown infection. My small wire-haired terrier developed malaise late one evening. Upon examination, I noticed her left hind quarter was swollen & hot to touch but could not see any visible problem. I presumed she had been bitten by either a black widow or brown recluse spider. I put CS into her water bowl & gave her some by mouth with the intention of calling the vet in the morning.
When we awoke, she was acting her old self & running & jumping around the house. I examined her hind quarter again. This time I found a very large hole where an abscess had ruptured during the night. I kept her on colloidal silver in her water bowl for one week while using CS to clean the abscess. In one week, the decavitation was completely healed. I live in a very remote area & developed a very bad eye infection (conjunctivitis). I started putting CS drops into the affected eye 3 times a day. In 3 days the infection was healed. If I had seen a physician, it would have taken 7-10 days for the Garamycin ophthalmic ointment to treat an infection of this magnitude; not counting the money it would have cost me in doctor fees & medication costs.
I have also used CS to stop bladder infections with results in 24 hours or less. Have used CS to treat ear infection in my German Shepherd after traditional medications for ear mites was ineffective. Know this is very long but I cannot sing the praises of colloidal silver enough. I have been able to help my neighbors, too. They come to me asking for some CS when they start feeling bad.
Thank you for a wonderful product. My hope is that one day people will know about the amazing effects of CS, use it regularly and reduce the profits of these HUGE drug companies, whose products sometimes cause more problems due to side effects of harmful chemicals! Would also like to see doctors educate patients about viral infections instead of writing prescriptions for antibiotics that are useless in treating them. Doubt I will live long enough to see THAT happen! Hope my experiences with CS will be useful to you. Edit as you see fit if you use this. May God bless you. Angie Richter
The Old “Flu” Bug — Thank you for your note sharing about your almost bout with the old “flu” bug. It came just in time for me to gain from your wisdom. You see, I had gotten up that morning with this “yuk” feeling and a scratchy throat. I’d been surrounded by the flu bug but as yet hadn’t gotten it, and thanks to God and the wisdom he’s given you….I still don’t have it! I started taking the hourly dose you shared, sprayed my throat hourly and put drops in my nose as well. I’m delighted to say that I’m absolutely fine. No signs of that nasty feeling nor the sore throat. Colloidal Silver works and I’m so thankful! Sandra Duckwitz Poughkeepsie, NY
History of Allergies — My husband has lots of health problems 7 strokes 2 heart attacks open heart surgery has a history of allergies . He always coughed so hard in the mornings & now there is almost no coughing The coughing has been from way back Heart problems have been the last 10 yrs. If the colloidal silver does nothing else It is just wonderful for what it has done for my husband . I`m coping much better since taking it, too. Thanks, Gotta go, Evelyn
Memory Clearer — I have been taking Colloidal Silver for almost a month and find that it seems to have an age reversing quality! Age spots are fading, skin is firmer, memory clearer and a lot more energy!
This is really incredible as I am 60 and 1/2 years old, feeling and looking (friends are commenting) younger! This is happening for my 54 year friend, also! She is swimming a mile everyday, now (used to be a 1/2 mile!) Have you had any other responses similar to mine? Susan
Candida Albicans and Recurrent Bladder Infections – My name is Colleen Jones, and I live in the small gold mining town of Norseman in Western Australia. I have lived here for nearly 10 years now. My husband and I came out from New Zealand to Western Australia in 1986. I am quite excited to find out about such a wonderful product the silver colloidal has proved to be for so many people. Like yourself Denise, I have suffered for 18 years from recurrent bladder infections, and I am so sick of having to rely on antibiotics time and time again.
Having found no relief from any other natural remedies, I am so relieved at last to have stumbled across such a wonderful product. And to think it has been there all this time, I wonder why it took so long to come across it. My older sister actually put me onto it, when she posted me a bottle only about 3 weeks ago. Her boyfriend was seriously burned as a child and the Dr’s used the colloidal silver to treat him, and with great success. I have also been using cortisone cream on my hands for quite some time, but after taking colloidal silver 3 times a day for only a week my skin is healing up remarkably. Needless to say it must be killing off the candida albicans. Colleen Jones
Asthma – Allergies – Colds – Flu I am glad to have found your site on the web. I had been searching for information in Spanish, but have had no luck. My husband heard of colloidal silver from a family member and was amazed by this wonder mineral and all it can do for us. We all take our daily dose including our daughters ages 8 and 4. We have not had any colds or flues since taking the silver about 8 months ago and my husband has not had his allergies this season. My 8 year old had asthma and has not used her inhaler for months now! We feel great and want to share this discovery with all our loved ones.
My mother was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis so I urged her to start drinking the silver. She just started on it two days ago and wants to start making her own so she can keep taking it. She is hispanic and I would appreciate it if you can inform me of any books or info on the web that she can read in Spanish. I have explained how colloidal silver works and all the benefits it offers, but she insists on having something in Spanish to tell other people of this correctly. Please let me know if you come up with any information in Spanish. Thank you for all of your information you provided on your website! Sincerely, Mrs. A Knight Tucson AZ
Sinus Infections – Our son (now 6) had had chronic sinus infections (at least every 6 weeks) so when he was 3 years old, we gave in and had the sinus surgery done. Well…the infections continued to crop up on a regular basis. About 18 months ago, we discovered colloidal silver!! We have been spraying it up his nose every day or 2 and this child has been free from sinus infections.
He is used to the routine and knows that it is the “silver” that keeps him free from that horrible pain. It also cleared up the many clusters of warts on his fingers as a bonus. We thank the Lord for the wonderful, natural alternatives He has provided! Catherine in East Tennessee
Horrible nausea – I suffered for years with horrible nausea that came along with vomiting. Going to my HMO they had no answers for me. Once it got so bad I couldn’t hold food down. Family members thought I was bulimic. Until a co-worker told me about Colloidal Silver. I had been through a terrible bout of vomiting and came back to work when he put a few drops in my mouth. Since then I do not vomit like I did. I came online today to check into my sinus infection I have and found it’s uses for that, amazing! Cathy
You Name It! – I have been using colloidal silver for 2 years now. It’s great!! I have gotten about 80 people to use it too. I haven’t been sick or had a cold since I began taking it daily.(2 yrs) I take about one tablespoon every morning. When I feel a sore throat starting up I put drops up my nose. My family and friends have cured so many things it is impossible to list them all. Here is a partial list:
My brother got “JUNGLE ROT” IN VIET NAM, A FUNGUS. Neither the army or personal doctors could cure it. After 34 years of pain, just 2 topical applications of CS cured it for good.
An elderly friend had arthritis in her knees so bad she could only walk two blocks, because of pain. After one week on CS she walked over one mile to my home to show me the results. She then walked home.
Don’t forget to swish around your teeth and gums daily. It kills tooth decay and plaque. My dentist says I don’t need to come for cleanings anymore. Since my health plan covers it I go only yearly anyway. No new cavities.
My family has used 5 gallons of colloidal silver in the last 2 years. It works for me. Cal Ferguson
Chronic Cough – My husband coughed so hard for so many years nothing the drs. did seemed to help. He has had 2 heart attacks 9 strokes At the lastcheck up, the Dr said he would not change a thing he’s on less meds & lesserstrength since taking the silver We have 2 sons & a daughter taking it We thank you Evelyn
A Cyst — Hello, I saw all the different testimonies about colloidal silver and I had to write and tell everyone about mine. About two and a half years ago I discovered a lump on my left testicle and got nervous thinking that it was cancer so I went to the doctor and got it checked out and he said it was a cyst and not to worry about it (I had an ultrasound done and it confirmed that it wasn’t cancer) he said if it starts to hurt or if there is any change to come back. Well it started to hurt one day and it started to get really bad.
For three months I went from one doctor to the next and they had no answers for me. They gave me prescriptions for pain pills, and for any man who’s been kicked in the groin they know how I felt because it felt like that always. I started going to a pain clinic and missed much work (my job required much physical work and ten hours of standing working on an assembly line).
One doctor even had the bright idea of putting a needle in my testicle and giving me a shot of cortizone. That was not a pleasant ordeal and I had several cortizone shots in the base of my spine which also sucked royally (the doctors didn’t care though I had good insurance and they were making lots of money off of me) (not to mention turning me into an addict with all the pain pills).
Anyways to make a long painful story short, I discovered colloidal silver and within hours I noticed relief and the next morning I was pain free for the first time in 8 months. I told my doctor who is the chief urologist at a major university hospital and he was amazed at how this simple natural product had helped me so much. I told him to tell all of his patients about it and I hope he has because it saved my life.
Now I should give credit where credit is due because if I hadn’t quit drinking alcohol and quit taking pain pills and doing drugs and prayed to God I probably never would have found this miracle that surely saved my life. Yes, I thank God almighty for giving me this wonderful natural remedy and I tell everyone to take it for just about any ailment that they have. Thank you and God bless everyone. Mike in MN.
Sinus Infection – Bronchitis – Toothache – For 5 years in a row, I would get a sinus infection in September, from my allergies. Three years ago, I went to the Health food store to see if I could get something for a sinus infection I had. It always would turn into bronchitis before it was done. The lady at the store suggested I try the colloidal silver.
BOY……AM I GLAD TOO………. I put 2 drops in each nostril and by the middle of the next day, my sinus infection was cleared up. I love this amazing product. After reading the many things it was good for, I also put drops in my daughter’s ear, when she came down with an ear ache. Usually it takes 3 to 4 days of medication for her to get over an ear ache, and with the silver, her ear ache was gone the next morning. I am NEVER…without this in my home. The kind I have, came in an eye dropper bottle and was a brown color. If I feel a cold or fever coming on, I put 2 drops under my tongue, and it always does the trick. We have not had the flu, sinus infections, sore throats, or any of the many cold related illnesses since we have had the Colloidal Silver. I would recommend this to ANYONE…….and I can honestly say……I BELIEVE IN THIS PRODUCT WITH ALL MY HEART. I am 53 years old, and I also give it to my 16 year old daughter and my 12 year old son. This should be advertised on TV……
The way that I found your site on the internet was 2 nights ago, my daughter had a toothache. She woke up at 3 a.m. and I got on the computer and typed in the word TOOTHACHE…….it took me to another site and I chose Toothache Remedies and the first site I came to was COLLOIDAL SILVER……I had to laugh for not thinking of this myself. My daughter rubbed some on her gums, where the toothache was and by morning, she was able to go to school. She said it didn’t hurt anymore. We did make a dentist appointment, but it sure helped in the meantime.
Thanks and hope more people use this…….. Sincerely, Diana Bowers
Relieved Dandruff – I Had Dandruff as long as I can remember and have used “Head and Shoulders” for at least 25 years. One morning a few weeks ago, I ran out of shampoo and started using my wife’s un-medicated kind. I keep a bottle of colloidal silver on my bathroom counter to take a swig from each morning. It has a spray cap on it so I can use it as deodorant (works great!). I sprayed it on my hair and let it dry. I noticed the next day, my hair was nice and soft. I did it the next day and used the un-medicated shampoo again. Now, I use it every day and have soft hair and no itchy scalp or dandruff. What a blessing! Try it. It may work for you. Bill

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